
Tuesday 11 April 2023

Are You Packed Yet?

Quite honestly, if I had a fiver for every time I have been asked that question in the past 10 days, I would be close to having my airfare paid. I never pack ahead of time. Ever. I gather. 

I gather together the things I want to take and I start piles that will eventually make it into the suitcase. Gifts to take, things I need for the plane - a book, a blanket, phone charger, passport. I have a small bag with toiletries and another smaller bag with electronics (chargers, adapters, cords, camera cards). All of this eventually makes it to where I will pile it all together so that I can transfer it all into my case and carry on the day I am heading to the airport. Then in less than 15 minutes, I can have my case packed. Clothes and the piles all go in and the zipper gets zipped and the case sits by the door until I am ready to leave. The last thing to get organized is my carry-on. Laptop, book, wallet, charger cords and snacks and I am good to go. 

Everyone seems to stress when I say I haven't even started packing and here we are the night before I fly out. But, regardless, it will get done and I will be ready and I will be at the airport well ahead of time. So I get through security, have a wander through the shops and then I can pull out my book and read. A luxury I don't often get anymore. 

Yes, I hate packing. And while my system doesn't work for others, it surely works for me. 

Now, repacking to come back home - completely different story and often a time of complete chaos....

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