I learned more about the Mayflower story and had it brought to
life by being in the communities where the various pieces of the history played
out 400 years ago.
I met warm, passionate, enthusiastic team members whose pride
in their community was both infectious and uplifting. I heard about the wonderfully creative events being planned
for celebrating this historic occasion.
I managed to travel 995 miles by car and my experience was
enriched because of it. Thank you to each and every person who took the time to
share their passion and pride about their community, to share their knowledge
about the history of their community, to enjoy a meal while sharing the plans
being made for a memorable year of celebration.
Thank you to the accommodation partners, food and drink
partners, local and museum guides. 2020 is going to be an extra-ordinary year for the
descendants of the Mayflower thanks to each of you and to the team you have put
And thank-you Christine for sharing your adventures with us via this blog! It’s been both entertaining and informative.