Scotland has a long history of preserving both the country’s history and the nation’s memory. Scotland was the first to place searchable, digitized records online and make them available for the Diaspora worldwide who were in search of their Scottish roots.
Most of us are aware of the more commonplace repositories, but few are aware of the treasure trove of information available within local archives or university archives. Here is a listing of some of the more local archives. This is not a compete sampling. Not all of the archives have digitized collections available online, so you may need to contact them via e-mail or traditional mail. All of the sites where a web address has been provided have contact information on them. Located in Inverness, the Highland Archives have the following records in their holdings:
School records
Records of poor relief
Valuation rolls
Church record
Family and estate papers
Records of Clan Societies
The Tartan Archive (a collection of records relating to the history of tartan)
Large scale Ordnance Survey maps dating from the 1860s".
Located on the second floor of the Mitchell Library, the Glasgowarchives have the following holdings:
Poor Law Records
School Records
Police Records
Sasine Registers
Valuation Rolls
Voters Rolls
Burgess RollsLocated in the City Chambers, the Edinburgh City Archives hold:
School Records
Poor Board Records
Records of EdinburghBrewers Friendly Society
Burgh Court Records
Poll Tax Records
Burgh Records (committees etc)
Ex-Councillor Records The Stirling Archives have the following records in their holdings:
School Records
Council Records
Justice of the Peace Records
Church Records
Customs and Excise Records
Sasine Registers
Newspapers Aberdeen Archives have records for:
Burgh Records
County Records
Poor Relief Records
School Records
Militia Records
Baptism Records
Tax Records Located in Hawick, the Scottish Borders Archives has a collection unique to the Borders Region. This includes:
School log books
Poor relief registers
Police records
Local business records including the textile, fishing and farming industries
Land records
Kirk Session records
Old parish records
Monumental inscriptions Fife Council Archives:
Located in Markinch, the Fife Council Archives contain:
Commissioners of Supply minute books
Statute Labour Road Trustees and Turnpike Trustees records
Poor Board Records
School Records
School log books
Some School Admissions Registers
Police Records
Electoral Registers
Records of several hospitals in Fife
Burial records
Records of the Fife County Nursing Association These include:
Census Returns
Old Parish Registers
Registers of Births, Marriages, Deaths, Divorces, Corrected Entries
Wills and Testaments
Poor relief records
Council records
Burial records
Monumental inscriptions
Ayrshire newspapers
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